
See Settings for the settings that can be used to configure django-wiki. Other ways to customize django-wiki for your use are listed below.


django-wiki can be customized by providing your own templates.

All templates used by django-wiki inherit from wiki/base.html, which in turn simply inherits from wiki/base_site.html (adding nothing). wiki/base_site.html provides a complete HTML page, but provides a number of blocks that you might want to override. The most useful are:

  • wiki_site_title

  • wiki_header_branding

  • wiki_header_navlinks

These can be overridden to provide your own branding and links in the top bar of the page, as well as in browser window title. The wiki/base_site.html template uses Bootstrap 3, so the following example shows how to use this in practice, assuming you want a single link to your home page, and one to the wiki. Add the following as wiki/base.html somewhere in your TEMPLATE_DIRS:

{% extends "wiki/base_site.html" %}

{% block wiki_site_title %} - Wiki{% endblock %}

{% block wiki_header_branding %}
<a class="navbar-brand" href="/">Your brand</a>
{% endblock %}

{% block wiki_header_navlinks %}
<ul class="nav navbar-nav">
  <li class="active"><a href="{% url 'wiki:root' %}">Wiki</a></li>
{% endblock %}


You can override default django-wiki urls/views site implementation with your own: override by setting the default_site attribute of a custom AppConfig to the dotted import path of either a WikiSite subclass or a callable that returns a site instance.

# myproject/

from wiki.sites import WikiSite

class MyWikiSite(admin.WikiSite):
# myproject/

from wiki.apps import WikiConfig

class MyWikiConfig(WikiConfig):
    default_site = 'myproject.sites.MyWikiSite'
# myproject/

    'myproject.apps.MyWikiConfig',  # replaces 'wiki.apps.WikiConfig'